Jerry Turner

There are a lot of places I would like to go, but have never been. Art helps me to escape to other places. Art makes me feel that I’m going into another world. Sometimes it’s tough in this life.

Jerry started at Art Explorers at the very beginning,  over two decades ago. Jerry has a  physical disability that makes it not only hard to walk, but more challenging to do small motor movements required for creating art. In spite of this, he has developed his own unique signature style, and continues to grow creatively. His detailed drawings, often of animals and sea creatures in magical invented environments, are decorated intricately with colorful patterning that take him a long time to complete. Jerry especially enjoys drawing with Prismacolor pencils. He also has made some lovely mosaics, based mostly on his drawings of animals, which are very time-consuming for him to complete. Jerry has proudly had his work shown at Make Studio in Baltimore and at the Bryn Mawr Rehabilitation Hospital in Pennsylvania. He likes country music, and sometimes sings out loud in the studio, and is naturally drawn to the sentimental stories of country: songs about loss, regret, and especially about love. He has also made portraits of country singers and other musicians. Jerry is truly a “people person” and enjoys the social life, humor, conversations with friends at Art Explorers. Jerry is a sensitive, thoughtful man with strong emotions, and he often engages his teachers in deeply personal and existential topics, as he seems to yearn for an understanding of the mysteries of life. He has a very special feeling for the ocean and sea life, partly because he grew up by the sea and fishing. He loves his family and visits them often.